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Raphael Hebert — Consulting Director of Industrial Design

Raphael HebertRaphael has 10 plus years of experience working in the corporate world designing high end bio-medical instruments, as well as 20 plus years in the consulting environment designing everything from handheld and wearable consumer products to ruggedized, weather resistant portable test gear and complex life science instrumentation and medical diagnostic devices . Thus, Raphael is the ideal person to lead our industrial design team and provide the creative impetus for your next product design.

An accomplished furniture designer and craftsman, Raphael also has a natural sensibility for quality and craft that can only come from the experience of making fine things. His masters touch can be seen in products IDE has designed for Anritsu Corporation; Auxogyn; Corsair; Fluidigm; Kopin; Molecular Devices; Ventana Medical (Roche Group); Wescor (Elitech Group), BD Bioscienses and more. He is also co-inventor of the Blade Writer multi-tasking utility tool, sold in many retail hardware venues across the country.

Raphael is a graduate of San Jose State University with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Industrial Design and he is a member of the Industrial Designers Society of America.