Biometric Personal Identity Device
Picture a key-fob sized electronic credit or debit card that can be used only after the authorized user biometrically verifies his or her identification using fingerprint authentication at the time of the transaction. Again, imagine a key-fob sized RFID security access device that requires the authorized user to biometrically identify himself or herself using fingerprint authentication at the time of entrance. Now imagine these in the same biometric device, a device that cannot be used by anyone but the user who “owns” the device. Why? Because unauthorized users cannot provide the biometric authentication needed to use it.
You have just imagined the Privaris plusID universal biometric device, designed by IDE Inc. It is the world’s first personal biometric fingerprint fob, a single key-chain device that offers secure access to multiple facilities, computers and networks.
The plusID provides:
• Security
• Versatility
• Privacy
• Affordability
• Convenience
• Long-life
The plusID makes it easy and economical to add the heightened security of biometrics to an existing security system.
IDE was initially contacted by Privaris through a referral from Circuit City. Privaris was nearing completion of a new custom chip which would allow them to create the world’s smallest and most powerful personal biometric ID device. They sought out IDE to provide the critical industrial design and turn-key mechanical packaging and engineering, prototype development, production tool sourcing, and management of global-based suppliers.
IDE began the project with extensive usability tests, looking to find the optimum solution for guiding a user’s finger over the fingerprint sensor. The IDE design team machined more than twenty different finger guide prototypes, all individually tested for ease of enrollment and recognition. The best of these design solutions were then sent to Privaris who conducted additional tests to verify IDE’s results.
Once the optimum finger guidance solution was determined, our design team focused their attention on the overall design of the fob.
Designing the fob proved to be the most challenging aspect of the project. The fob had to house three different RF protocols and associated antennas (125 kHz, 13.56 MHz and IEEE 802.15.4), a rechargeable lithium Ion battery, a USB connector, a piezo sounder, four buttons, four LED indicators, and a custom 6-digit liquid crystal display. And it could be no bigger than an automobile key fob.
The IDE mechanical design and systems engineering team worked together with Privaris systems engineers on a board design that would meet the very demanding goals of the smallest possible package. At one point, in fact, the design team halted the project to spend an extra week to shave 0.5 millimeter (0.20 inch) from the overall thickness of the package. This attention to detail and extra effort separates great products from good products.
Since the plusID is a fob-style device, it had to be easily attached to a key ring without penalizing the size of the fob. To accomplish this, the design team integrated a robust metal key-ring attachment in the form of a polished nickel-plated zinc die-cast key-ring band, which not only provides two easy-to-use key ring attachments, it also protects the perimeter of the plusID. The polished chrome-like detail of the key-ring band also gives the plusID a stylish look and elegant feel.
Another innovative feature of the plusID is the dual shot, water resistant, rubber buttons. These are designed so that there is no physical seam between the case and buttons, adding to the functionality and tactile quality of the fob. The special injection molding method prevents any electro-static energy from reaching any of the internal electronics, augmenting the overall robustness of the plusID.
The plusID is also designed for easy assembly. All subassemblies and components index straight into the Top Case and are captured securely with the attachment of the Bottom Case, without the use of mechanical fasteners. The design even includes a custom molded internal elastomeric pad to protect critical electronic components from exposure to shock and vibration.
With the detailed mechanical design completed, the next phase of the project was turned over to the IDE prototype development lab. Using state of the art CNC machining centers, the prototype lab manufactured 12 production-intent working prototypes (including dual shot rubber keys) which were assembled and tested with all the internal system electronics.
From these early evaluations of the production design, the development team was able to make final adjustments to the design before developing the production tooling. IDE project managers managed the production tooling development through T1, T2 and approved textured parts, and readied it all for production release. IDE will also provide sustaining engineering support once the plusID is in full production.